dimanche 16 décembre 2012

There's still time to ask for help

Nine sleeps until Christmas.  How are you doing?  While there are changes which may be hard to implement this year, there are some you can make to insure you do not wake up frazzled on Boxing Day.

Let's start with change possibilities for next year.

What about drawing names among adult family members and you only have to buy ONE gift for the person whose name you draw.  In fact, this is one change we will implement in my family next year.  And I will suggest we pick names by July 1st - each person writing at least 2 choices on the wish list.  This will give everybody a good six months to find the gift.  Of course, we can give each other gifts at other times during the year, but the pressure will be lowered at Christmas.

What changes can you still put in place for this Christmas?  Ask everybody to pitch in and bring a dish.  Ask kids to participate, according to their age, both to decorate the tree, shovel the driveway, clean the house, do a load of wash, help cooking or take care of the younger ones.  Of course, if your partner normally waits for you to do it all or most of it, it's time to delegate.  Or call for Chinese food if that's what would make you happy.  Or pizza.  Whatever helps you enjoy the time too.

But if you want turkey, there are many ways to enjoy a great family meal without too much effort.  A turkey cooks very tender at 300F overnight.  Potatoes can cook with the turkey or bake in the microwave.  Veggies can roast with some garlic and olive oil when the turkey comes out of the oven.  And a good ice cream is a pretty easy dessert with or without a store bought bûche.

Any other changes you would like to make?  Write them down and see which ones would help you to have a great time this year.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Canada's Coach

Success and Fearless Living Coach for Women
Life and Wellness Coach for Women
