I remember when I made my very first meat pie. I was newly "coupled" and thought that this was the most wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I felt so grown up. And when I made my first batch of strawberry jam. Another milestone. And yes, I continued to make meat pies "tourtières" for many years, although I stopped cutting the meat by hand. I bought ground meat. Then, years later, I relaxed my standards and found very good meat pies available in town. There are also very good cakes available and all kinds of goodies.
I do have more time now but I still buy meat pies, preferring to spend my time doing other things.
Coaching challenge: what could you "delegate" during this Season. Either to your local store or someone else in the family who really wants to bake or cook? A couple of saved hours here and there to relax, take a long bath, go for a walk or cross-country skiing or swimming or anything you really desire can make a big difference in how you feel.
Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Canada's Coach
Success and Fearless Living Coach for professional women
Life and Wellness coaching for women