vendredi 11 janvier 2013

Money and Stress: Financial Wellness

Do you know where your money is?  Did you find yourself this week or last week with a much leaner wallet?  Don't despair.  You can commit to changing your spending habits so that January 2014 is different.

One of the most important ways for women to exercise self-care and wellness is to take care of their finances, because over-spending brings stress.  Receiving credit card statements with large balances in January is not how you should want to start the year.

If you are really serious about taking care of yourself financially, now is the time to tighten your financial belt. This can be done by cutting out all non-essential expenses - including eating out, concerts, after work drinks, etc. for a couple of months to completely pay your credit card(s).  

Next, doing a budget.  If the thought of a budget makes you cringe, look at it as a way to improve your tomorrows.  At the very least, look at your credit card balance and commit to putting that much money, plus 10% in a special savings account between now and  next November.  That's about 10 months to save what you want to spend for gifts, travel, next Christmas.  Then imagine yourself, next December, with the money in your hand, not worried about how you will be saddled with a big debt (yes, credit card purchases are a DEBT), and then receiving your credit card statement of January 2014 showing: Balance: $00.00.  Close your eyes and savour that moment and the feeling of peace. Imagine how proud and satisfied you will be with yourself.

Working with a coach can help you make changes to improve all your life.

Marguerite Tennier, M.A.
Canada's Coach

Success and Fearless Living for Women 40+
Life and Wellness Coaching for Women